Nancy Hall receives award from Military Police Regiment Association
Nancy Hall (center) with 7th MP Regiment Chief Warrant Officer Angela Rulewich (left) and CSM ret. Freddie Brock (right). According to Harne, Hall is one of around 325 people in the world (her medal is numbered #319) to be recognized for the award
LCR Photo/Jack Silberberg.
Community members and visitors from Fort Leonard Wood gathered in A Taste of Andy’s Tuesday to recognize Nancy Hall’s contributions to the Military Police Corps.
Rick Harne, Executive Director for the Military Regimental Association, explained that the global organization, housed in Fort Leonard Wood, selects individuals who have made a significant positive impact upon the Military Police.
“This award was made for people exactly like her,” Harne said.
Harne explained that the Friends of the Regiment Award, created in 2018, recognizes those who support the Military Police Corps and their families. Harne said that to date, around 325 such awards, signed by the commandant of the Military Police Corps, have been presented around the world.
“The sky is the limit on what she’s done over the years,” Harne said.
For more on this story, see Wednesday's LCR.