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Charity Golf Classic donates $25,000 back to Laclede County

What started out as a one-time fun golfing event has ended up being one of Laclede County’s longest lasting fundraising efforts for our community.  Since it began in 1998, the FSCB Charity Golf Classic has raised over one million dollars for Laclede County.  Merri Hess, FSCB Charity Golf Classic Tournament Director, announced that this year’s 26th Annual Charity Golf Classic raised $25,000 which was donated back to Laclede County. This year’s proceeds of $25,000 was divided between this year’s selected local charities and organizations. 23 organizations who serve those in Laclede County most in need of a hand up…children, families, senior citizens, people with disabilities, at risk students, those needing intervention, animals and the sick…were recipients of tournament funds. Each receiving $1,500 were: ·      Area backpack programs, which provide children and families with food on the weekends, each received $1,500. First Christian Church Shepherd’s Packs serving Lebanon and Joel E. Barber schools and Family Church serving Laclede County R-1 (Conway) schools will be able to better feed families with their donations; especially during Christmas break and when school is not in session. ·      Mercy Health Foundation will use their $1,500 donation for transportation, prescriptions, and other services to help local residents in need through their Helping Hands program.   ·      Lebanon Host Lions Club will use the $1,500 donation for their Vision/Sight project that helps children, seniors and veterans get eye exams, eye glasses and eye surgeries who can’t afford them.  Each receiving $1000 were: ·      Joel E. Barber School C-5 School will use their $1,000 donation for student needs that arise throughout the year such as food, sports shoes, etc. ·      Hillcrest Education Center will use their $1,000 donation towards professional certifications and to pay for JAG students to complete various employability assessments like Work Keys that is used by Lebanon REDI and many industries in our community.  ·      L-Life Food Pantry will use their $1,000 donation for food to help in their efforts to stabilize stressed family households with food assistance, better nutrition, and guidance toward building stronger families as well as help feed the growing homeless population in Laclede County ·      Lebanon Courage Bowling Team, a local Special Olympics team, will use their $1,000 donation for an adaptive ramp and tournament expenses. ·      Lebanon Rotary Club’s “Koats for Kids” received $1,000 to go towards their effort in providing warm winter coats to children. ·      The Conway Senior Center and The Hughes Senior Center both received $1,000 for their meal programs. ·        The Lebanon Laclede County Library will use their $1,000 donation for the purchase of more large print books; one of their most popular and requested collections.   ·      The Lebanon Kiwanis Club will be able to take more kids shopping for new warm clothes at Christmas with the $1,000 donation they received. ·      Share Your Christmas will use their $1,000 to help Laclede County families and children in need as well as the elderly and disabled at Christmas. ·      Live2Give Hope provides free resources for Laclede County foster families. Their $1,000 donation will go towards the programs they administer for foster children and families including Fostering Hope Closet, Paving the Way, Kids Night Out and Safe MO Kids. ·      OATS will use their $1,000 donation towards discounted fares for Laclede County riders. ·      $1,000 will go a long way to help with food, shelter, veterinary services and other pet needs at Claws & Paws Animal Adoption Center. ·      The Lebanon Downtown Optimist Club will put their $1,000 towards their BLOCK program (Bringing Local Opportunities to Connect Kids) which funds various youth-based projects within our community. ·      With their $1,000 donation, Shop With A Cop will be able to provide more gifts for under privileged, needy and at risk children in Laclede County while teaching them law enforcement officers can be trusted and depended on in a time of crisis. ·      The Diaper Bank of the Ozarks will be able to provide Laclede County with 5,000 diapers from their $1,000 donation which will be distributed the Pregnancy Support Center, Crosslines, COPE, Salvation Army and the Laclede County Health Department.  ·      $1,000 will help Laclede Industries continue their mission of providing individuals with disabilities the opportunity for meaningful work and skill based pay while teaching proper work ethics and professional employer/employee relations so they can reach their desired level of independence, integration and inclusion.    ·      Project 360/Sound House needs such as cab fare for kids seeking employment or to get to medical appointment, pantry food kids can take with them, clothing in sizes that haven’t been donated, non-slip shoes required by employers for kids with jobs as well as daily needs like toilet paper and ice will help be met with their $1,000.  ·      $1,000 will help the Laclede County Treatment Court further their work of intervention for leading people living with substance use and mental health disorders out of the justice system and into lives of stability.    For more, see Saturday's LCR.