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Casi and Fines Massey give the backstory on how Massey's Comics came to be


For Casi and Fines Massey, their Massey’s Comics saga started several decades ago with a Christmas present.
Fines’ father, Clint, gave his favorite and only son a copy of “Amazing Adventures,” a Marvel Comics title that featured the Black Widow and the Inhumans. While none of these characters became his favorite, they were the start to his lifelong passion for comics and a slowly unfolding dream.
He already liked comic book characters. In fact, the first movie he saw in the theater was the 1989 “Batman” starring Michael Keaton.
“I was hooked from there,” Massey said.
Enjoying comic books afterward came very naturally.
“I liked to read and I loved movies, so I thought that comic books were a good mix between the two,” he said.

He began collecting “The Incredible Hulk” and others, putting them in boxes to protect them.
His primary source for comics in Lebanon as a kid was Tommy Wrinkle of Wrink’s Market fame. However, Wrinkle eventually stopped selling his two for a dollar older comic books and the new ones from his spinner rack.
At one point, there was the possibility of a comic book shop opening across from the high school, but that never came to fruition.
Consequently, locally the pickings were slim.
Massey long had hopes of being involved somehow in comics with a preference for being on the creative side of the business.
However, for decades
Fines’ father, Clint, gave his favorite and only son a copy of “Amazing Adventures,” a Marvel Comics title that featured the Black Widow and the Inhumans. While none of these characters became his favorite, they were the start to his lifelong passion for comics and a slowly unfolding dream.