Boswell Elementary has a new look this year.
The public had several months to notice the facelift the front of the building facing Millcreek Road was getting.
However, the updating of the old and the construction of the new FEMA shelter may have taken some by surprise before Open House opened the doors and some eyes.
“The first week was literally a dream come true. One, open house for families and folks getting to see the FEMA space that most of them didn’t know existed. They assumed the construction the whole year was a store front, which is fabulous and safe, but getting to take them back and getting them to see that it’s a learning area for kids, books, technology — it was just amazing. We had a really smooth start here at Boswell,” Principal Carla Mobley said.
Some are aesthetic like a new mural that will arrive soon.
For more on this story, see the LCR.